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Lemon Gem Blox have landed!

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

There is no greater superfood than the powerful lemon. Not only are lemons high in vitamin C, they’re also rich in fibre, which is essential for keeping regular (that old chestnut). We have been dreaming about a yellow Rok Blox for ages and now we’ve finally had the time and space to come up with this amazing new addition to our Gem Blox family, Lemon Gem Blox. Fine Belgian white couverture chocolate comes together with the zesty tang of freeze-dried lemon powder!

For the love of lemons

Lemons are thought to have originated in North-Western India, and were introduced to Italy around 200AD. They were cultivated in Egypt and Iran from around 700AD and from there, spread in popularity throughout the Mediterranean after that.

Vitamin C is critical in fighting scurvy, a disease commonly suffered by sailors and pirates deprived of fresh fruit and vegetables. Spanish explorers and missionaries brought lemon seeds to Florida and California, where lemon trees were cultivated successfully for nearly 400 years until they were destroyed in a major cold snap. Lemon trees can live for 150 years, with some types fruity for nine months of the year.

Enhanced heart health

One lemon provides about 30mg of vitamin C – about half the recommended daily intake. Research indicates that eating fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C can reduce your risk of hearth disease. Lemon juice squeezed into water is also a frequent favourite for liver cleanses, because of this dynamic fruit’s detox properties. Oh! And did we mention lemons can also help freshen your breath?

Lemons help weight control

Lemon is rich in pectin, a soluble fibre which expands in your tummy, helping you feel full for longer. Not too many people eat whole lemons, but our Lemon Gem Blox are made from freeze-dried lemon power which uses the flesh, juice and zest. And we put almost two whole teaspoons of freeze-dried lemon powder in each Lemon Gem Blox.

Fine Belgian white couverture chocolate

Of course we’ve combined it with our fine Belgian white couverture chocolate, so while Lemon Gem Blox can’t be classified as weight loss chocolate, it certainly is a lot better for you than the pedestrian chocolate you can in the supermarket.

The smooth, creamy flavour of our white couverture, combined with the zesty tang of freeze-dried lemon powder come together to create a flavour sensation that is fresh, lively and energising!

We know you're going to love our Lemon Gem Blox! Click the button to check them out in the shop now!

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